Sunday, December 14, 2008

From the Mouths of Babes

It came back to me today on the incredible insight and understanding that my daughter has had since she could speak.  

This one time, when she wasn't more than 7, I picked her up from her afterschool program.  Getting into the car, I dropped into the seat as usual but hit my ear on a metal latch.  Blood started running from my ear onto my top.  I exclaimed "Oh no!  There's blood on my shirt!"  My little girl says "Mommy, your ear is more important than your shirt..."

Just the clarity, simplicity and profoundness in which she would sometimes make statements always blows me away.  

And today, at 12, while she is constantly acting her age (at least she's not acting more than her age, ya'll know what I mean), she is also constantly impressing her social studies teacher with her opinions and her ability to express them.

I'm very proud of her!

Monday, December 8, 2008


I recently made peace with a grieving I didn't know I was in the midst of.  In the process and acceptance that I had become somewhat cynical and intolerant, I didn't realize that I was angry about being so.  I knew that I didn't like it most of the time.  Still, it took a small crisis for me to see that I was sand and angry about losing a bit more of my innocence.  I'm 35, and definitely a 'grown-up', but I still had/have some 'innocence'.  Nonetheless, my faith in people (or at least the hope in people doing the good thing) has been shaken, leading to a 'screw ya'll' mentality.

In having the self-introspective revelation that I was grieving about a loss of a portion of my innocence, I was able to move past it.  Sometimes knowing a thing can help you move forward from it.  Hmmm... my cynicism isn't bad.  Hell, having a firmer grasp on the ways of humanfolk for good or ill keeps me in my center.  Helps me protect myself better.

Still, I look at my shiny, strong, innocent 12 year old girl.  Knowing what I know, I was and am a bit scared for her and what she will lose as her life progresses.  Sound like a harsh thing to say, but no one ever grows up without losing illusions.  Painfully.  I can only hope she will absorb what Wisdom I have to give her that can buffer her through The Chickenhead Years, and beyond.